All About Me
(and then some)

If you go to Mi Casa, you'll see that I hate to talk about myself, so I had a space where friends could write a little about me and I'd put their comments on my page.  Well, what I forgot at the time was that not many of my friends were interested in the Web, so I didn't get any responses.  So, this time, I'm going to go another route.  I'm actually going to talk about myself, so bear with me okay?

My name is Caroline, I'm 23 years old.  I'm originally from Central Pennsylvania.  I attended State College Area High School until 1994 when I graduated.  In High School, I was active in numerous organizations, including Yearbook and Marching Band.  In the summer of 1994, I started college at Penn State, where I orginally started to study teaching.  About this time, the internet started getting more popular.  As part of my curriculum, I had to take several classes on computer programming.  My sophomore year, I decided to change my studies to math.  I did a focus on computers.  I ended up graduating with a Bachelor's in Mathmatics in December of 1997.

After graduation, I got a job for a small software company (with a big name LOL) in Wisconsin.  And that's where I am now.

Prior to moving, I did a lot of volunteer work with Centre Community Hospital, Girl Scouts, Explorers, and The American Red Cross.

I like to do crafts (see my crafts page).  My latest addition to my abilities is knitting.  So far, I've only knit socks and mittens. I'm also learning to spin my own yarn, but right now, I'm just ending up with a tangled mess!